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Newsletter 141 Summer 2023 © Hampshire Mills Group |
Whitchurch Silk Mill Waterwheel
Andy Fish
On 31 March 2023 after a three year Restoration
project the waterwheel was officially opened by
Cllr Paul Miller, Mayor of Basingstoke, in
celebration of the completion of the waterwheel
The work was carried out by Nigel Spender and his
team from G & H Spender Engineering based in
Basingstoke. (Nigel is pictured above, with the
mayor and his wife.)
A working platform was erected by the side of the
wheel to enable a safe working environment. The
wheel was then jacked up and placed on rollers that
were specially designed and built to enable the
badly worn and pitted journals on the shaft to be
re-ground. Nigel manufactured a cylindrical grinder
to enable this work on the wheel’s axle to be
carried out on site. Once the journals had been
re-ground, replacement bearings were manufactured
and the wheels could be carefully lowered back into
place. New oak starts and floats were manufactured
and fitted to the wheel.
Next the governor, that ensures the wheel runs at a
constant speed by controlling the flow of water,
needed to have major work carried out. As the wheel
is driving the looms this is important to ensure a
constant weave.

The governor was suffering from extensive corrosion
and had seized up so was removed, de-greased ,and
stripped down. After a soak in a citric acid tank,
the individual parts were cleaned and polished. The
lower supporting bearing required sleeving, and a
new taper key, which secures the bevel gear, was
made to complete the work.

New bearing machined from a block of bronze
Original sluice drive pinion. The replacment
pinion was pictured in the previous newsletter
From the beginning of April, the water wheel began
turning again for the first time after three years
of painstaking repair. It is being run or a couple
of hours a day between 11:00 and 13:00 for the next
few weeks to allow the gentle bedding in of the new
bronze bearings.
The detail pictures are by Nigel Spender, used with
his permission. |