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Newsletter 141 Summer 2023 © Hampshire Mills Group |
Wilton Windmill Visit, Saturday 15 April 2023
Carol Burdekin
About 18 HMG members (including quite a contingent
from the Longbridge area) met on a chilly, but
bright, Saturday morning at Wilton Windmill,
situated above the village of Wilton, nine miles
south-east of Marlborough on the North Wessex Downs
in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The
windmill is the only working windmill in the Wessex
region, and is now an Associate Member of the HMG.
The Society that runs the mill kindly invited HMG
members along for a visit, which is how we found
ourselves standing on a not a too muddy field,
gazing up at this magnificent mill, built in 1821,
when the new Kennet & Avon Canal was constructed.
It milled flour for local farmers until 1914, when
it was left unused, becoming derelict.
We were met
by Charles Baxter who kindly made us coffee, and
supplied delicious rolls, which he had made himself
that morning using some of the stone-ground
wholemeal flour produced at the mill. These were
accompanied by a choice of two jams, one of which,
the strawberry, was made last year by Charles and
his wife, and was very good.
The group was then split roughly into two, and the
group I was in went straight to the top of the mill,
a bit gingerly at first, having to navigate the
vertical ladders, but easier coming down, but well
worth it, as the views over the Wiltshire
countryside were splendid.

The granary, now used for presentations about the
with some of our group. Keith Andrews
Once at the top, one of the millers, Mike Clark,
proceeded to give us a potted history of the mill,
as well as pointing out and naming the implements
used in the production of the milled flour.
Unfortunately, the mill was not in operation during
our visit, but they do mill about twelve times a
year, and their stone-ground wholemeal flour can be
purchased, when available, from the shepherd’s hut
situated next to the windmill.
The Mill is owned by Wiltshire County Council, but
run by volunteers, The Wilton Windmill Society. As
mentioned, the mill was built in 1821 when the new
Kennet & Avon Canal was built. Water from the old
River Bedwyn was used to fill the canal, but this
left five local watermills with insufficient water.
Apparently, when built, Wilton Windmill was “state
of the art” employing all the latest developments in
windmill technology, with its machinery almost
entirely made of cast iron, and according to a
temporary report “universally admitted to be of a
very superior construction”. For further information
on the history of the mill, and details of the
mechanism and how it works and so on, go to
It was in 1972 that the Wiltshire Historic Buildings
Trust began to restore the windmill, as close as it
could to its 1821 original condition, having
persuaded Wiltshire County Council to buy the
derelict mill. Their long term aim was to guarantee
the future of the mill for succeeding generations by
restoring it to a working windmill. This work took
about four years, and was paid for by various
contributions including one from Marlborough &
Ramsbury District Council. The Society relies on
donations to keep the windmill working, as there is
always something that needs to be done to the fabric
and the machinery to keep it is good working order,
so all donations are gratefully accepted. For
further information, there is an excellent family
guide book on sale on site for only £1 where you
will find a lot more information on the mill, and
from where details for this article were obtained.
After the visit to the windmill, an added bonus was
a trip to Crofton Beam Engines, as it is only about
a mile from Wilton Windmill. Those of us who are not
local took the opportunity of incorporating it into
our visit to Wiltshire. It was a good walk, not too
far, and clearly signposted. The Canal & River Trust
are currently carrying out extensive work on the
canal below Crofton installing electric pumps to
replenish the upper reaches of the canal, the job
that Crofton still occasionally does. Unfortunately,
the engines were not in steam, as this was carried
out the week before over the Easter weekend.
Obviously, thanks to the Lottery, a lot of money has
been spent on the site, and it is so well set out
and has good facilities. For further information go
It was advertised by HMG as “a good day out”, and it
certainly was; I do hope everyone enjoyed it as much
as I did.