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Newsletter 124 Spring 2019 © Hampshire Mills Group |
Andy Fish writes :
I was deeply saddened to hear the news that our
president Tony Yoward passed away peacefully at home
with his family on 19 January 2019. |
I first met Tony when I joined ‘Southampton
University Industrial Archaeology Society’ back in
2000. On our first meeting I showed him some very
poor quality photographs of the little Corn Mill at
Mullion Cove in Cornwall. In less than 24 hours I
received a potted history of not only the mill but
also the millers and some of their employees. Tony
loved nothing better than to share his wealth of
information with anybody who was interested. He
came on all the study trips that we arranged and
would always fill in gaps in our knowledge and
highlighted points of interest along the journey. |
For a number of years Tony accompanied me to the
Dorset Industrial Archaeology group lectures in
Dorchester, he would drive over to Southampton and
then I will take him on to Dorchester chatting all
the way.
I will greatly miss his company on trips and thank
him for all the work he carried out to research and
record the history of Mills and Milling in England,
and especially Hampshire.
Information supplied by Jane Yoward
Tony was born in Bath and grew up mostly in Swindon
where his father ran a pharmacy, so he was probably
always destined to be a pharmacist himself. He met
his future wife Mary in 1947 when they both went to
the School of Pharmacy at Merchant Venturers College
in Bristol. They were married in 1950 and soon
moved to Emsworth to manage the pharmacy in North
Street, which they later bought. Their two
children, Jane and Nick, grew up in Emsworth.
One of Tony’s less well known interests was motor
sport. He joined Southsea Motor Club in 1957 and
was a committee member for many years, and treasurer
for 23. Tony was an organiser and administrator,
but he was also a competitor, driving a Mini and a
Mini Cooper to take part in club rallies. He will
be most remembered for his navigating and
In the late 1970s/early 1980s Tony and Mary became
interested in industrial archaeology and latterly
Tony became chairman of Southampton University
Industrial Archaeology Group from 1987-89. He also
created a Glossary of British Mill Terms in 1996,
;which is now published by the SPAB Mills section.

Tony & Mary at an HMG meeting at Eling Tide Mill
– Dave Plunkett |
Tony and Mary moved to Slipper Mill in 1970, and in
1980 he helped organise the purchase of Slipper
Millpond by local residents, and inevitably becoming
a trustee. So he was able to summon HMG to repair
the sea gates, as shown in Dave Plunkett’s photo (left).
They retired in September 1986 and suddenly life was
even busier. At this point they belonged to more
than 50 different organisations. These included
motorsport, industrial archaeology and genealogy.
Tony held various positions in both industrial
archaeology societies and in motorsport. He was a
member of the Association for Industrial
Archaeologists council, a committee member of SPAB
for 12 years and archivist for Hampshire Mills
He enjoyed giving talks on canals, mills, IA, and
cast-iron grave markers, on which he was an
international expert.
Sadly, Mary died of meningitis in 2006 after 56
years of marriage.
Despite gradually losing his hearing, Tony
continued his interests and went on various study
tours – and took up Mary’s research of the Yoward
family line, connecting back to 1505.
In 2013 he had a heart attack and then a stroke in
2017 which affected his speech. This was two days
after returning from an HMG trip to South Wales.
Almost to the very end, he was determined to remain
independent and stay in Slipper Mill. He had often
told the family that the only way he would leave the
mill was in a wooden box!

Clearing undergrowth from Durford Abbey wheel in
once Tony is in wellies, not sandals!
Ruth Andrews
Marilyn Palmer, President of The Association for
Industrial Archaeology,
spoke at the Celebration of Tony’s Life:
I am honoured to be able to talk very briefly about
Tony’s interest in industrial archaeology. He and
Mary were passionate about mills and millers and I
know that their many records were deposited as a
special collection in 2017 with the Mills Archive in
Reading. I have been with him at many mill sites
both here in the UK and in Europe when we were both
on tours run by Heritage of Industry. One problem
was that he refused to abide by the rule of wearing
solid shoes or boots for such visits and I have a
clear memory of him scrambling up a very ruinous
post mill in Poland in his sandals! He always
managed to talk his way into sites which tried to
insist on different footwear! On one of my country
house technology tours for Heritage of Industry
quite recently, Tony had a wonderful time on a
mobility vehicle around the estate at Tyntesfield
which he regarded in much the same way as he did the
Goodwood racing circuit!
For many years, Tony and Mary had charge of the very
complex booking system for the Annual Conferences of
the Association for Industrial Archaeology. They
used to drive to Council Meetings in Ironbridge and
park the camper van in various museum car parks.
From this, they dispensed gin and tonics with a
very generous hand, which certainly helped the
meetings along! In the evenings, they could then
stay comfortably in the van – the rest of us
staggered back to our various B&Bs around Ironbridge!
They also were regular attendees of the meetings of
the Newcomen Society in London – and the dinners
which followed!
More locally, Tony was a member of Hampshire Mills
Group and what is now Hampshire Industrial
Archaeology Society. This used to be called
Southampton University Industrial Archaeology
Society as it met there and was commonly known to
Tony and many of us as ‘sewage’, as Tony used to
pronounce SUIAG. The current name of HIAS really
does not have the same ring but Tony was still
contributing short articles to the HIAS Journal on a
variety of topics from snuff to treadwheels until
last year.

Eleanor Yates |
On social occasions, Tony would always drink a toast
to “Your moderate health” (as he said he had a
pharmacist’s business to keep going!). I know that
he contributed a tape to the oral history
collections in Emsworth Museum about his life as a
pharmacist from 1952 to 1986.
Tony’s other interest in things industrial was the
production of cast iron grave markers. We were all
asked to take photographs of any that we found on
holidays both at home and abroad and many of us
puzzled local visitors by combing their graveyards
for such items. We were always a little worried,
though, that Mary gave him one for his birthday many
years ago, fortunately with no date on it, which he
kept in the sitting room at the Mill. The date has
now been reached but he was able to enjoy it for
many years!
Thanks to members of the family, Tony was able to
keep up his attendance at meetings until nearly the
very end and I last met him (and Jane) at the 50th
anniversary meeting of the South-East Region
Industrial Archaeology Conference in Worthing in
His last AIA conference was the one held in Telford
in 2016 and we have really missed him, as I am sure
that all of you here will too.