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Newsletter 112, Spring 2016 © Hampshire Mills Group |
A Visit to the Isle of Wight in November 2015
This three day trip from the Hampshire mainland was
conceived and planned by David as a short
inexpensive break for Ros and me. So, after booking
hotel and ferry in advance we were off on the Friday
morning of 26th November, to the
Portsmouth ferry terminal, for the 11.00 am crossing
to Fishbourne. 42 minutes later we were driving
down the ramp and heading for the south east of the
island at Ventnor. After a meander across the
rolling countryside we took the steep zig-zag road
down to the Ventnor esplanade. Here, we had planned
a picnic lunch at the renowned Ventnor Haven
Fishery, consisting simply of fresh crab and
chips. This was most delicious, good value and
well worth the diversion from Sandown. We have
never had a meal like that on the mainland before
and promised ourselves to return before long.
So, back on track, we took the coast road north via
Sandown, to Brading, Bembridge and St Helens. One
cannot drive along the short quay to the tide mill
these days, but on-street parking is easy in
November with a short walk along to the present Mill
house. |

Helen’s Tide Mill - detail 2016 |
This replaces the old St Helens tide mill dating to
1780 but much more is on view at low tide. If one
walks a little further, this is one of the few
places in Hampshire where one can walk safely around
the man made lagoon which formerly encompassed two
connecting tidal ponds. The outer pond walls have
largely eroded away but are plainly visible at low
tide. With the fading afternoon sun shine and the
shimmering ebbing tide it was a most atmospheric
site at that time. Pictures were pretty good too.
We met a number of local people (generally walking
dogs) who were interested in our quest to learn
about their tide mill.
So on in the fading light to Wootton Bridge where
major consolidation repairs were in progress with
some inevitable queuing of traffic up to the bridge
(mill causeway). We parked on Pump Lane just up
from the Sloop Inn, formerly part of the miller’s
house. With the old mill demolished in 1963 and
modern housing in its place, it is not so easy to
envisage the original mill layout. A good
information board is visible to the public, and a
photographic record was made thank goodness, when
the mill was demolished. Our own photographs add to
the archive.
After a good night at the comfortable Premier Inn,
at the north end of Newport Quay, it was time to
start on day two. We walked up to the head of the
Quay, under the Newport Medina flyover, to the old
Dolphin Hotel and former warehouses. A rather
tranquil picturesque area if it were not for the
traffic on the overhead bridge. My earlier research
notes, confirmed the site of the former 17th
century tide mill pond, was built-over by the
present Riverside Centre and the Harbour Masters
office. The best viewing point I found was the
centre of the modern bridge which has no pavement.
Never mind, back to the car and onwards and westward
to Freshwater. The working Calbourne Mill was on
our route, so we stopped off briefly to say hello to
Nigel (the miller).
The Alum Bay carpark was almost empty on arrival,
then walking towards the cliff overlooking the
Needles and multi- coloured strata of Alum Bay.
Next touring through Freshwater looking for The
Causeway and the church, but somehow missing our
turning, not finding the old Afton tide mill site
and heading through the village of Norton Green with
the wide tidal Eastern Yar on our right.

Calbourne Mill - Burr Stone Sundial |
Yarmouth was our lunch stop and Yarmouth tide mill
our focus here. It is an imposing brick structure
built over earlier stone foundations to contain both
mill and millers accommodation. The mill dam dating
from 1664 with the mill rebuilt in 1793.
Internally, no machinery survives and the two
dwelling areas appear to be still seasonal with no
one at home at time. Although largely infilled, the
eastern pond outline survives with the route of the
former railway line to Freshwater. A pity that the
weather turned inclement and rained making
photographs rather hit and miss at this time.
We headed back to Newport, and took the Cowes road
to Northwood old church which overlooks the Medina
Estuary. We were hoping to find a raised elevation
to photograph evidence of both East and West Medina
tide mills, but no luck this time.
Very nice interesting church though. West Medina
site, is home to the vast metal sheds which make up
the Vestas wind turbine blade, production facility –
shortly to close. Originally the site of Dodbrook
Onwards to the other side of the Medina and to the
Island Harbour Marina, which was the former home of
the East Medina tide mill, which had otherwise been
known as Botany Bay Mill. The old paddle steamer,
Medway Queen, still lies on dry ground here but all
mill remains are gone, replaced by modern hydraulic
lock gates, great mobile boat lift and many tidy
rows of pleasure craft at floating moorings. More
photographs, and so another day closed. |
Our third day started rather blustery with short
biting rain showers, so we headed for Brading Roman
Villa Museum with its long open vistas over down
land to the sea. In Roman times the Brading Haven
was navigable on the tide, up to modern Yarbridge at
least. The modern museum has fascinating displays
and archaeological remains abound with good public
presentation but no information on ancient mills. A
very good museum café with hot food which we
In driving rain we travelled through the town of
Brading but did not stop due to the weather, which
was a pity as the old town hall and information
centre may have been open. I subsequently contacted
the Town Clerk and received very helpful historical
information about Brading and Brading Haven,
pertaining to its former mills.
That will form a need for a future publication. I
will just sum up by stating, previous publications
were often inaccurate about Brading over many
centuries but the tidal Brading Haven contained at
least three mills before the 15th century
and probably none by the mid 17thcentury.
All too soon it was time to head for the ferry and a
choppy sea, back to Portsmouth. Little holiday
breaks like this are most beneficial to retired
couples like us and to be recommended to HMG readers
in the winter months.
We are off to Devon and Cornwall in March next. |