That by an Act made
in the last session of Parliament “for the better
regulation of Mills,” every Miller or other Person,
keeping a Mill for the grinding of Corn, must have
a true and equal Balance, with proper Weights,
according to the Standard of the Exchequer, which
are directed to be examined and proceeded on by
every Person, appointed by virtue of an Act passed
in the 35th year of his present Majesty, “for the
more effectual Preventation of the use of defective
Weights and of False and unequal Balances,” in the
same manner as is provided in the said last
mentioned Act with respect to Weights and Balances.
Every Miller, etc.
not having Weights and Balances, to forfeit 20s.
Or not being
according to the Standard of the Exchequer, or false
or unequal Balance, or obstructing such Persons in
examining the same, to be proceeded against, and
forfeit the like
Penalties as such
Offenders are in the last mentioned Act.
Millers, etc. must
weigh Corn before and after it is ground; if
required by Persons carrying the same, or forfeit 40
Millers, etc. Are to
deliver the whole Produce of the Corn in weight when
ground or dressed; if required, allowing the waste
in grinding and dressing, and “Toll where allowed to
be taken” or forfeit One Shilling per Bushel, and
treble the Value of the Deficiency
Toll (where allowed
to be taken) to be taken before the Corn shall be
put into the Mill; no Corn before or after being
ground, to be taken for Toll, but the same to br
paid in Money, on Penalty of Five Pounds, except the
Person carrying the same has no Money-price
expressed in the Table of Prices.
Every Miller etc.
must put up, in some conspicuous place in his Mill,
in fair and legible Characters, a TABLE of PRICES,
in money or Toll or Muleture, for which the several
operation of his Mill are to be performed, or
forfeit Twenty Shillings.
All Informations are
to be made within Ten Days after the Offence is
In pursuance of this
order of the court of quarter sessions held at
Petworth on the 4th, and at Lewes the 7th, days of
this instant October. I hereby do publish the above
Extract, and give Notice, that any Miller, or other
Person keeping a Mill, within this County, for the
grinding of Corn, not complying with the several
Requisites above mentioned, will be prosecuted as
the said act directs.
Clerk of the peace
for the County of Sussex.
Horsham, October
14, 1796