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Newsletter 89, Summer 2010 © Hampshire Mills Group |
The Stroud Valley Textile Mills -
trip report by Jeff Hawksley

Dunkirk Mill |
On Thursday 20th May 2010, a
group of HMG members went to visit mills
in the area around Stroud in
Gloucestershire. For mill enthusiasts,
and those interested in industrial
archaeology, this is the place to go.
Five mills were seen during the day and
all within a circle of radius no larger
than 3 miles. Time travelling between
mills was minimal and, thanks to our
hosts who gave so much of their
expertise and knowledge, the time spent
at the mills was used to the best
advantage. |
St. Mary’s Mill, Chalford.
The first surprise on approaching this
mill was having the gates at the
crossing over the railway opened by a
crossing keeper. It appears that this
is an obligation written in when the
railway was first built all those years
ago and it continues to this day. Once
over the crossing the group was met by
Ian Mackintosh of the Stroudwater
Textile Trust and Anthony Burton, the
well known industrial archaeologist
(author of “Remains of a Revolution” and
other works). Ian Mackintosh gave up
the rest of the day to accompany the
group around all the mills and to
explain their every detail.
St. Mary’s is a very pretty mill
nestling in the valley and there have
been a succession of buildings and
trades on the site for many centuries;
certainly there had been fulling mills
where heavy wooden hammers would have
been worked by a waterwheel. These
hammered the woven cloth to felt the
fibres together and so produce a much
closer texture. Some time in the 19th
century the old-fashioned fulling stocks
were replaced by rotary milling machines
which performed the same function but
worked on a continuous basis. One such
machine, built by J. and H. Ferrabee at
their Phoenix Iron Works in Thrupp is on
display at the mill.
The building visited was built around
1820 as a textile mill and it has a fine
breast-shot waterwheel inside. This
worked until 1946 when electric motors
were installed. There is also a fine
two-cylinder compound steam engine by
Tangye of Birmingham which, it is
thought, was installed in 1904. By this
time the building was occupied by the
Chalford Stick Company who employed 124
people making walking sticks; this
continued, apart from a break during the
Second World War, for many years. From
St. Mary’s it was but a short journey
Stanley Mill, Stonehouse.
At one time this had been a large
textile mill and very important
historically as one of the early
fireproof mills with iron frames. At
first it had 5 waterwheels “equal
to 400 horse-power” but even as far back
as 1833 the waterpower was augmented by
a steam engine of 40 H.P. In 1867 a
new steam engine was installed and the
following year a turbine of 80 H.P.
Clearly, with all this power, a large
number of machines were in use. Today
just two remain, a carding machine and a
Mule - Frame spinning machine. Carding
machines straighten and align the wool
fibres in readiness for spinning.
Initially this was done by hand by
drawing the fibres between two boards
faced with wire bristles. Carding
engines mechanised the process by
drawing the fibres between a succession
of rollers also faced with wire
bristles. After carding, the prepared
fibres would have been fed to the Mule
which draws out the fibres and twists
them to produce a strong yarn suitable
for weaving into cloth. We were
fortunate to meet Ken Staddon who came
along specially to demonstrate these two
machines and to explain their action.
Ken had been the manager at the mill
when it was working and it was a great
privilege to meet a man of such
experience. As the years pass by such
men will be increasingly difficult to
find. The mill finally closed in 1989.
Another brief drive brought us to:-
Egypt Mill, Nailsworth.

Egypt Mill, Nailsworth
This mill had originally been used for
cloth manufacture but, towards the end
of its life, it was converted to a corn
mill, It is now a hotel and restaurant
and it was here that we had lunch. Two
breast-shot waterwheels remain one of
which still has the transmission to two
pairs of stones located in the reception
area on the first floor. The drive is
taken from a ring gear with inserted
wooden teeth; this was thought to be
unusual because, by the time ring gears
came into use, cast iron was being
widely used. However, see later…. a
pinion took power from the ring gear,
through a pair of step-up gears to a
horizontal layshaft and from here the
stones were driven by bevel gears. None
of the machinery works but it is well
preserved and nicely presented behind
glass screens. (And lunch was jolly
good, too. Ed.) |

Ian Macintosh
describes the exterior
of Gigg Mill.
photo by SMV |
Gigg Mill, Nailsworth.
Originally a fulling mill with a mill
pond and waterwheel by 1808 it was
supplying cloth to the East India
Company. Now it is home to an important
collection of artefacts and textile
machines, primarily looms. Robin
Mitchell led us through all the steps to
weave yarn into cloth starting with a
simple model to show how the
longitudinal threads (the warps) had to
be lifted alternately by an arrangement
of shafts to make a gap through which
the crossways threads (the weft) could
pass. From these simple beginnings of
over-and-under a progression was
followed to more complex arrangements to
produce patterned cloth.
“Work experience”
for some members took place on a small
demonstration loom with eight shafts.
Each shaft, when raised, lifted a
selection of warp threads and by lifting
one, or several together, in sequence, a
pattern could be produced. Teamwork
required two people to work the shafts,
one to pass the weft from left to right
and another, at the other side, to pass
it back again from right to left. One
person worked the reed to beat the newly
inserted weft tight up against its
predecessor and one to read the
instruction book and call out the
sequence for the shaft lifters. Our
team’s performance had all the
characteristics of a Whitehall farce and
it was then easy to appreciate the
benefits of the Dobby loom which had a
mechanical device to lift the shafts in
the correct sequence automatically.
The Dobby loom at the mill is a cottage
type loom from around 1850. It is
manually operated, has John Kay’s
flying shuttle for one-man operation and
the “drop box”, invented by John Kay’s
son Robert, which allowed the weaver to
switch between a number of shuttles. If
these were loaded with different
coloured threads extra opportunities to
vary the patterns became available by
weaving in different coloured wefts. The
final development was the fully powered
loom and their example is a Dobcroft
loom built by Hutchinson and
Hollingworth of Bolton in 1950. This is
clever mechanism at its very best.

Demonstration of the Fulling Stocks at
Dunkirk Mill.
photo by SMV |
Finally to:
Dunkirk Mill, Nailsworth.
This had been a large scale textile mill
and, although much of it has now been
converted to apartments some areas
have been preserved with their original
waterwheels. Keith Browne was on hand
to welcome us and to show us around. A
fine waterwheel in one area, reputed to
be the largest waterwheel in
Gloucestershire, is in full working
order and was operated for us during our
visit. It is an overshot wheel built on
the suspension principle and has ring
gears at both ends, each with inserted
wooden teeth. At the left-hand end a
pinion meshing with the ring gear drives
a layshaft via a step-up gear. A teazle
gig mill is driven from this layshaft.
It is not known whether a separate
machine was driven from the ring gear at
the right-hand end but it is generally
accepted that it is very difficult to
link the two pinions together.
The teazle gig mill has a set of rollers
covered with rows of teazle heads and
its purpose is to raise the nap on the
cloth after it has been fulled. We were
able to see this machine at work
preparing a length of green billiard
cloth. Maybe this gives some idea of
the texture produced. Adjacent to the
gig mill there is a rotary milling
machine and there are plans to couple
this up to the layshaft so that it too
can be worked by the waterwheel.
After raising the nap on the teazle gig
mill the cloth has to be sheared to clip
any stray fibres and leave a smooth even
surface. In the old days this was done
by hand by highly skilled craftsmen with
huge heavy shears. The craftsmen were
also highly paid and so, as usual, a
machine was developed to do the job
mechanically. They have a shearing
machine in the mill with a rotary cutter
armed with knives arranged in a spiral.
Nowadays this form of cutter would be
described as “like a lawn mower” but
it’s story is more interesting. When
Edward Budding saw one of these machines
he realised that the principle could be
put to good use for cutting lawns.
Budding was the manager at John
Ferrabee’s Ironworks at Thrupp and
together they began production of lawn
mowers in 1830.
In another part of the mill they have
two more waterwheels each with ring
gears with inserted wooden teeth.
Remember the surprise at finding such
gears at Egypt Mill? It is now clear
that they were quite common in the mills
along the Stroud Valley. Another
unusual feature: the two waterwheels
can be coupled together by a friction
clutch; further, the flow of water, and
hence the power produced, was controlled
by a centrifugal governor - this is a
sophisticated arrangement. It is clear
how that water power was important for
the mills in this area and they
continued to be used, in association
with steam engines, well into the 20th
All this in just one day.
Jeff Hawksley 24th May
2010 |