Hampshire Mills Group



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Newsletter 85, Summer 2009 © Hampshire Mills Group


Presidential Notes


  Tuesday 17th  Tony Yoward and I went to Titchfield History Society to talk to them on the subject of “Industrial Archaeology’’. Well received, with many questions.

 Saturday 28th   Milling day at Longbridge. milled extra flour. Instead of the usual 5 sacks we actually milled 7. A good day with plenty of water coming down the river.


 MARCH 2009

  Sunday 1st I attended a Trustees meeting at Crux Easton.

  Tuesday 3rd Tony represented HMG at the Conference on Chalk Streams held at R.N.L.I. at Poole.  I know he was very disappointed not to hear anything about mills at all.  We seem to be a forgotten army!!

 Friday 6th  I had the pleasure of a lunch and far-reaching discussions with Sheila (Viner) and John (Mears) at Longbridge Mill; many subjects were discussed on a very full agenda.

 Saturday 7th  To  S.P.A.B. Spring Meeting at the Artworkers Guild in an Art Deco building; a special exhibition of mills paintings, exhibited by S.P.A.B. members from their own collections, added an interesting diversion

 Monday 9th  Very positive meeting with Eastleigh Borough Engineers Department, accompanied by Mick Edgeworth and John Christmas. We felt that the Borough Council were looking in the right direction and that they were also getting through to the Environment Agency.

 Saturday 14th  I was very disappointed to find the C.O.G.S. meeting had been cancelled, apparently  due to lack of interest by many other mills groups.  However, that allowed me to attend the HMG Spring meeting

 Saturday 28th  Milling day at Longbridge Mill.  Usual milling gang was present and working well, I say the usual crew but we badly need others to come and learn how to mill!!!  It doesn’t cost you anything except time and is very satisfying so -  please, can we have some more volunteers to swell the team?

APRIL 2009

 Tuesday 7th Another talk, this time to Chandlers Ford “Happy Bunch” (of pensioners) who kindly gave me a donation to our funds.

  Tuesday 14th Final visit to Bindon Mill to see if we could take any of the machinery taken out of the mill during it’s conversion to accommodation.  It looks as if the shafts and pulleys are all we can take.  John Christmas is negotiating on our behalf.  On the way back we called at Broughton only to find the barn again occupied by a nesting pair of Barn Owls.  As these must not be disturbed we shall have to wait until the chicks have fledged before we can return.

  Friday 17th  Spoke to the inaugural meeting of Wherwell History Society, on the History of Milling.  This was well received and a very generous cheque was donated for group funds.  They were also kind enough to give me a number of slides of their two local mills (Wherwell and Fullerton); they also gave me two slides of the “Roman” mill sites as drawn up by the archaeologists researching the two Roman mill sites above Fullerton.

 Tuesday 21st Last week I received a telephone call from Mrs. Trussler of Winchester who had traced my number in order to offer me a complete album of photographs, drawings and press cuttings of the conversion of Chalton Windmill to accommodation, as a permanent record of the mill.  Mr Trussler, a very talented architect, had drawn up the plans and supervised the work needed .  She even gave me the central bolt from the original sails.  I thanked her very much on behalf of us all, and will pass the album on to our archivist.


Editor's Note:  SERIAC is the South East Region Industrial Archaeology Conference; an annual event, this year it was hosted by HIAS - Hampshire Industrial Archaeology Society.  HMG developed out of HIAS and several members belong to both bodies.

SPAB is the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings;  COGS is the committee set to facilitate improved communication between all the  mills groups, for sharing of common problems and possible resolutions.   

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