On a hot and sunny Saturday morning, I set
out from Loveland, heading north towards
Greenville Ohio and Bear’s Mill. This mill
was chosen for two reasons:
1. It was the closest working mill. 2. My
favourite animal is the bear.
It took just under an hour and a half to
drive the 80 miles, which obviously in
country the size of America is nothing to
shout about but when my commute to the mill
is only 10 minutes on a pushbike I
appreciated the distance. Arriving at Bear’s
Mill I was immediately struck by its size
and the sense of space that is around. The
car park could probably only fit about 10
cars in but they had a field that could
easily have fit about 100 extra if needed,
even American cars which are a darn sight
larger than English cars.
Bear’s Mill is an attractive 4 storey
building clad in American Black Walnut which
I was informed had last been replaced in
2001 and looked as though it was weathering
very well. As you walk up to the front
door, you can’t fail to admire the beautiful
1929 Ford.
(see picture below)
As I stepped into the Mill, I was greeted
with a well ordered shop that sold not only
flour, but exotic brands of tea and coffee
as well as jams, relishes and cooking
As a man who loves mills I was in heaven,
but looking back on this visit, what sticks
with me most vividly is the delicious smell
of a baking building as the sunshine hit the
wood outside.

We were met at the door by Sally who was
very welcoming and had been asked to keep a
look out for two Brits and to take us over
to Terry Clark the miller. He still had a
few more checks to do before he could mill
so we met up briefly with Marti Goetz who
has recently started as the mills Executive
Director. She was very interested in hearing
all about Eling and in particular the
Lottery project that we are undertaking.
Terry then ushered us back and we were
whisked upstairs as he began his tour which
was filled with juicy gossip about corrupt
millers, drunk millers and security
conscious ones as well, while taking down
some of the internal cladding Terry found a
rifle! When Terry informed us that his mill
building dated back to 1848 he stopped to
ask when Eling's first mention was. They
were taken aback when they heard me say
The mill had a very productive life, after
being converted to a flour mill from a
sawmill in the mid 19th
century it continued to use turbines to
rotate French burr stones until 1882 when
the mill was converted to work with rollers.
Luckily for us all of the original machinery
and the stones were left in place and can
now be used again
During his tour Terry gave me a brief
milling demonstration, everything was much
as I was expecting but all of his controls
were up on the stones floor. He spun a wheel
which opened hatches and allowed the
turbines to begin spinning about 10 feet
below the water in the mill race getting
things turning. He made his tentering
adjustments from here and was also able to
check the quality of the flour by lifting a
flap next to the tun cover meaning that he
only needed to go back to the ground floor
to replace his flour sack when it was full.
We wound our way around the building with
Terry pointing out items of interest
including photo albums that covered some of
the mills history along with many colourful
tales about the old millers, including one
whose wife used to coat the floors with
flour so she could follow his footsteps to
find his alcohol stashed all throughout the
………….to be continued
Part 2 please click here