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Newsletter 103, Winter 2013 © Hampshire Mills Group |
Tail Race~~~~Tail Race
~~~~Tail Race
No Christmas recipe this year because here’s a new
idea for you - making hanging decorations out of
salt dough like the ones above. Do have a go – you
can get a book (i.e. Salt Dough Projects by
Rosamunda Imoti) to show you how and surprise
yourself, charm your friends and delight your family
and what a fun way to involve children too. You’ll
find you already have the main ingredients to hand:
plain white flour, salt and water. Go on – get
creative! But when you need to serve up a tasty
treat to satisfy all that action turn your
creativity to Welsh Rarebit or scrambled egg or
sardines on toast topped with pine nuts – a thick
slice of toast made, it goes without saying, from a
Hampshire mill’s stone ground flour. Mmmmm, yummy. |
Five years and twenty newsletter
editions later, I am relinquishing my spell as
Editor so that my other hobbies can be more fully
resumed and more time can be given to my researching
of Berkshire watermills and hopefully publish my
findings in book form. The late Ken Major was very
supportive of my ambitions and I now work at it
supplemented by input from my Berkshire chums, Tom
Hine and Brian Eighteen. A book of collected mill
poems could be in the offing too, so please keep
sending them to me. I have had a lot of fun (as well
as headaches at times!) developing and producing the
HMG newsletter; as we do not have the same amount
of mill restoration work as other groups my aim has
been to find various items of mill related news in
order to inform, and entertain, our wide spread of
members’ interests. Delightfully, there have been
more bouquets than brickbats along the way!
Editorship has given me opportunities of contact
with group members, mill people and the public
worldwide and I have certainly learned a lot.
Emailing the newsletter is rewarding in enhanced
reproduction of photographs and illustrations and it
is gratifying that a large number of members are
taking it in this format. So thank you for the very
kind compliments and thank you, too, to the helpful
contributors over the years. A very special “Thank
You” goes to Alison Stott and Andy Fish:
Alison for nobly checking each page before it is
sent to Andy who, through many hours of toil, gets
each edition into print. We’ve worked well as an
electronically connected team and I shall miss our
bouncing email-camaraderie. Thank you. My biggest
debt of gratitude, however, is to my very long
suffering partner, John, without whose
support on the home front whilst I’m slaving over a
hot keyboard has meant the resulting newsletters for
you – so I hope you would all join me in
thanking him!
And now the Damsel has almost done
with her chattering and our type of grain is running
out, it just leaves me to explain that the following
poem is written by that famous poet, Anonymous,
and it arrived in the Mills Archives a year or two
ago – my take on it is that the researcher is
looking for millers! Have a Cool
Christmas at the Archives~~~~
It was Christmas at the Archives and the cold bare
walls are bright
With tinsel decorations above the signs about
To the volunteers the customers Have given many
Tins of Roses, shortbread tails ,And even homemade
The search room is like a wasteland With everything
quiet and still
No whirring from the microfilm Or ringing of the
But one man remains seated, Trawling through the
Regardless of the silent room And the assistant's
angry looks
"They must be in here somewhere, I know they will be
I'll try another parish In case they moved around"
He requests another volume Although it's nearly four
Despite the early closing He might just do one more
The archivist walks over And puts the volume down
He turns the parchment pages And reads them with a
Then suddenly he sees them! And gives a happy shout
The name he's searched for many years Was there
without a doubt
The staff are there to share his joy It's only
twenty past!
If they help him take a copy They might get home at
He leaves with joyful wishes The copy given free
The staff lock up, set the alarm And turn the lights
off on the tree
Each one goes home happy A job well done they said
A long lost relative is found And we go home to bed
The customer's also delighted And full of Christmas
"That's one lot found," he says aloud “But plenty
more next year!"
New Year
