Hampshire Mills Group



Books on Mills and Milling by Nigel S. Harris


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Corn Watermills of the National Trust in England (2019)  

ISBN 9780955150166

This 75 page hardcover book measures 210mm x 210mm.
It has 25 John Brandrick drawings and 120 colour photos. 

Due to radical technological changes in the way flour was produced at the end of the 19th century; traditional corn watermills could not compete and very quickly fell into serious decline. An enormous number were lost to decay or converted into residential properties; others were put to other uses. Very few working mills remain.

Luckily, the National Trust had the foresight to protect and preserve 19 English water-powered corn mills which are regularly open to the public. Many are working and producing stoneground flour.

The aim of this book is firstly to overview the basics of flour production using water power and millstones. It then goes on to describe the history and main features of interest of each of the 19 English corn watermills in the National Trust collection.  It is hoped that the reader will be encouraged to visit some or all of the mills, when they are open, and gain an insight into our past industrial heritage.

Corn Watermills of the National Trust in England is priced at £15.75
+ £4.00 UK postage & packing charge.

Corn Watermills of NT

Corn Watermills of the National Trust in England is priced at £15.75
+ £12.00 Europe postage & packing charge.

Corn Watermills for France




Gomshall Mill, the Harris Millers & their Shere Connection (2005)  

ISBN 9780955150104

This 28 page A5 black & white image paperback booklet describes the use, history and owners of Gomshall Mill, Surrey.

In particular it reviews the Harris family of millers, who were associated with the mill from around 1750 until 1806. It is illustrated throughout and contains images not previously published elsewhere.


Gomshall Mill, the Harris Millers & their Shere Connection is priced at £5
+ £1.80 UK postage & packing charge.

Gomshall Mill




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